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Hair transplant over hair wig or hair patching?

Hair Transplant Pune / Case Studies  / Hair transplant over hair wig or hair patching?

Hair transplant over hair wig or hair patching?

Losing hair is the biggest nightmare in anyone’s life, and there is no way you can grow back those lost hairs. There are many treatments available since long back in the cosmetic world but successful are only few. Out of all those available treatments hair transplant and hair replacement are the most opted. In hair transplant your donor area i.e. back & sides of your head donates hair follicles for the recipient site and gives natural looking results. the whole procedure takes 6-8 hours and the results take 6 months to appear and yes the new hairs you’ll grow will be all natural and you can treat them the way you used to treat those lost hairs of yours. While in hair replacement no donor or recipient area is required simply choose any colour, style, density, texture or length; your hair system will come ready styled and ready to put in place. Due to its versatility and affordability, the hair system has become very popular.

Which is better?

This question has its answer in the patient’s hair condition, if you have a healthy donor area then of course hair transplant can be the best suitable option and you can enjoy your own hair once again without worrying about the artificiality of the hairs. On the other hand when you have unhealthy to poor donor area then there is no point of opting for hair transplant and the only suitable option is hair transplant this non-surgical option can give you the density of your taste and no one will be able to identify whether it’s a wig thing or natural hair. Whichever one you opt for or your hair technician recommends, you will be able to carry out your life just as before, active and confident that your hair system looks great. At Dezire clinic, Dr. Prashant Yadav will recommend you the suitable procedure after examining your hair condition.

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