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Receding Hairline Treatment done at Dezire Clinic Pune

Hair Transplant Pune / Case Studies  / Receding Hairline Treatment done at Dezire Clinic Pune
Real Hair Transplant Results done at Dezire Clinic Pune

Receding Hairline Treatment done at Dezire Clinic Pune

A receding hairline is nothing but the progressiveness hair loss experienced by men as a part of male pattern baldness. Usually it begins with thinning of the hairs. First it start with side of the forehead. The hairline occurs at point where the hairless forehead skin meets the hair bearing skin of the scalp. Actually, it is the point where the vertical forehead plane curves to the horizontal forehead scalp plane. This makes the bald patch on the top of the head. Most of the men’s face this problem over 25 age. But some people start notice thinning hairs in teen years. The main cause of receding hairline is hormone which is called as Dihydrotestosterone, or DTH. This hormones usually act as a sex hormone in male patterns.

No all males experience a receding hairline. In some men’s, the production of Dihydrotestosterone slow down naturally.


Receding hairline is the specific to the male pattern baldness. Receding hairline is inherited in the form of weak androgen receptors, carried by mothers and fathers chromosomes. This weak androgens receptors cause scalp hairs to be sensitive to the Dihydrotestosterone.


Hairline Restoration can restore your hairs and its result is absolutely permanent. Hair Restoration surgery can improve your confidence, happiness, and quality of life.

To confirm your consultation please visit Dezire Clinic, Pune. Consultation is absolutely free of cost.

To know the fut transplant cost please fill the form on http://www.hair-transplant-pune.com/cost-calculator/ & mail your scalp photos.

Milind Gaikwad 2132 fue

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Receding Hairline Treatment done at Dezire Clinic Pune
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