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Men hair loss

Hair Loss Treatment for Men in Pune

Men Hair Loss

Best Hair Loss Treatment for Men in Pune – Baldness Cure, Hair Loss Cure for Male in Pune With 100% Results | Dezire Clinic PuneLike health most of us take our hairs for granted that is, until we lose them we do not realize its true worth. Hair loss is a major problem and it creates distress in people. With the hair loss they also lose their self confidence with time. Because of more exposure through social media and awareness amongst the people the treatment for hair loss is most sought after
Hair loss or baldness is observed more in men as compared to women. The baldness in men is characterized as Male pattern baldness also known as androgenetic alopecia. Male pattern baldness affects about half of men in 50s but some of them get affected with this problem at early thirties. The main reason for baldness in males is hormone 5-DHT (5 dihydrotestosterone) which make the hair follicle weak and eventually destroyed the root in the susceptible area of the scalp . Most of men who suffer with this problem are unhappy with their situation and would do anything to change it. In such cases they can go for hair loss treatment for men in Pune.

The symptoms of male pattern hair loss are observed as bald patches on head scalp. In general it is also characterized with receding hairline and thinning crown. Typical male pattern baldness can lead to complete baldness in adverse conditions. More than 95% of hair loss in men is due to diseases like androgenic Alopecia. Alopecia can affect the hair growth at an early age of 30s.

There are other possible reasons for hair loss in males that can be:

  • Hereditary or genetic reason is the most common cause
  • Ill effects to certain medications
  • A low-protein , iron deficiency and low mineral diet
  • Stress , anxiety , hard water , pollution etc.

Male pattern baldness treatments

Dezire clinic is the best clinic in Pune for Baldness & Hair Loss Cure for men. The treatment for Hair loss and baldness in Males are stem cells, PRP, MesoTherapy, Minoxidil, Laser, We Provide Best cure for hair loss in men, Visit us today for Free Consultation.There are numerous hair doctors who are treating the hair loss problems with certain medication and procedures but only experienced and skilled doctors must be trusted for efficient results. Male pattern baldness is usually diagnosed on basis of the clinical appearance and pattern of the hair loss in men. After the diagnosis of the condition , the doctor will suggest the solutions for hair loss and baldness like medication , hair transplantation ,mesotherapy or prp treatment based on the individual requirement .

1. Medications – after examination of the condition of scalp and hair , antihairloss medications are prescribed by the doctor in cases where the hair fall are just started . which help in controlling the existing hair fall and maintaining the existing hair

2. Mesotherapy – Mesotherapy is a treatment in which vitamin boost are injected to bald areas so as to ensure hair growth. These are mainly beneficial in early stage of hair fall

3. Hair transplantations – For permanent and natural results hair transplantation solutions are suggested by hair doctors for baldness .
FUE – FUE is suggested by doctors for restoring the hair in the complete bald area or where the density is less . Follicular unit extraction is an advanced method in which individual follicles are extracted one by one from the donor area with the help of motorized punch and machine and then these grafts are placed into area of the scalp where there are less hair or baldness is present
4.PRP – PRP is Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy. In PRP, small amount blood is taken out and then it is centrifuge to separate growth factors from it. These growth factors are then injected into balding scalp for promoting normal hair growth and nourishing the existing hair.it require multiple session at interval to improve the condition of existing hair

What is a percentage of men hair loss?

It is obvious to lose hair because of aging factor. About 73 % of men lose their hair after the age of 80. About 50 % of men start losing their hair at an age of 50 & about 30 % of men start losing their hair at a very early age of 30 which is an alarming sign. Approximately one in four men notices hair loss at an early age 30.

Does baldness can be inherited?

Yes, as per previous surveys and reports baldness and men hair loss is said to be inherited from parents both form mother and father. It is said that multiple genes contributes to male pattern baldness especially the gene inherited from father .


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