Improper Hairwash Affects Graft Survival
We strive to get the best possible result for you, taking care of every single step. A transplanted hair needs 7 days to re-establish blood supply. It is very fragile in this 7 days, easily damaged. Improper hair wash will have an adverse effect on the graft survival and final outcome.
Good Hair Wash Is An Important Part of Our Protocol
All our staff are trained how to wash hair for the patients.
The next day after hair transplant, we will demonstrate how to do it yourself at home.
Scabs are the tiny bit of skin tissue carried by the transplanted hair. The scabs first appear as red dots over the scalp right after the procedure. Over the next few days the scabs will dry up as brown crust over the recipient sites.
Proper and regular will easily remove scabs. We will teach you how to do it. If left alone, the scalp may look unsifghtly and also become itchy
Recommended Shampoo
For first 3 days wash your head gently with any shaving foam .after that use baby shampoo twice daily for first 3 weeks