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Hair Transplant Methods done at Dezire Clinic Pune

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Real Hair Transplant Results done at Dezire Clinic Pune

Hair Transplant Methods done at Dezire Clinic Pune


There are two types of Hair Transplantation Procedure:

  1. FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)
  2. FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation)

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction):

Follicular Unit Extraction is also called as Follicular Transfer (FT). FUE is a harvesting method of hair transplant surgery. In Follicular Unit Extraction method, by using a small “punch” each FUE is separately taken directly from the scalp of hairs with no strip of tissue being removed.

Advantages of FUE:

  • Less Invasive nature
  • Decreased scarring and ability to wear hair short or cropped.
  • Faster healing and recovery time


FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation)

FUT is a hair replacement procedure where a hair is transplanted in naturally occurring groups of 1 to 4 hairs, called follicular units transplantation. Follicular units also contain sebaceous, nerves, a small muscle, and occasional fine hairs.

To know more about hair transplant please visit at Dezire Clinic, Pune. Dr. Prashant Yadav will guide you about what type of treatment is suitable for you. Confirm your consultation today. It’s absolutely free of cost.

Gaurav Khairnar 2500 fue

I am 21 years old started lose my hair at 17 whish was depressing, so i went Dezire Clinic, when i arrived at reception there were maybe 20 people waiting for treatment so i had opportunity to speak to them and they were very happy.

Met Doctor Prashant Yadav and he was very understanding and knowledgeable, he explained why i was losing my hair so my mum has paid for me but price was very Affordable.

I am half way through my treatment now my hair lose has stoptand got much thicker, I am really happy.

I would highy recommend Doctor Prashant Yadav and all staff, clinic is always packed honestly i have never met one person that not happy.
Doctor Prashant Yadav thank you so much

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Hair Transplant Methods done at Dezire Clinic Pune
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