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Hair Wigs vs Hair transplant

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Hair Wigs vs Hair transplant

Hair is as essential as a peaceful soul. Like a perfect nose contributes to your looks your hair also contributes a lot to your personality but not everyone is gifted with perfect hairs. Loosing of hair distress people and this disturbs their inner peace and thus people search one or the other option for getting rid of hair loss problems.
As per the recent studies people are facing hair loss problem at very early age. About 40 % of males start losing their hair at a very early age of 35 and about 30 % of females lose hair at mid twenties and early thirties. When it is at such an early age people looks for powerful solutions. There are plenty of options available for such problems. The alternatives include Hair Wigs and Hair transplantations.
People do select either of the two for getting rid of baldness and hair loss problem. But one must select one of the two only after complete research and study. Hair loss patient must analyze the pros and cons of the two before actually selecting one of them. And once you make a decision there are many hair wig shop in Pune and many clinics providing successful hair transplantation solutions.

Hair Wigs V/S Hair Transplantation in Pune | Dezire Clinic Pune Know what the difference between Hair Wigs & hair transplant is and which solution you must select for your hair loss treatment in Pune.

Hair Wigs v/s Hair transplant

Both being the solutions of hair loss problem are absolutely different from each other. Hair wigs or the hair pieces are the artificial ways to acquire hairs on scalp. In this a piece of artificial hair is attached to the scalp. Whereas hair transplantation is more advanced methodology in which hair follicles etc are implanted into the bald areas so as to obtain full hair growth. If someone is interested in hair wigs he can choose from variety of available wigs in Pune.

When to go for hair wigs ?

In modern world hair wigs for men in Pune can be an option to say no to hair problems and surely hair wigs have been a successful alternative for many hair loss patients. But it is only in certain cases like:

  • For people who are suffering from temporary hair loss or baldness like due to chemotherapy, childbirth, fever or some other stress.
  • People who are at the adverse stage of baldness such that they do not have sufficient hair for donating.

In all the other cases the hair specialist and doctors suggest to go for hair transplantation for acquiring best results. It is because of several reasons which are:

  • Hair transplantation is permanent and natural solution for hair loss as the hair is implanted from the already growing areas.
  • With hair wigs you always have a fear that it could be detected.
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